The concept is pretty simple, isn’t it? With that basic notion in mind, let’s learn more about how the program works.

How does the affiliate program work?

Fortunately, the program applies to all items in the store, and you receive a personalized address for the product you want to indicate. So, if someone accesses that link and buys the product right away, you receive a profit for the referral. The amount of commissions earned with this program varies slightly. You can earn between 4% and 8.5% of the amount sold, but that depends a lot on the volume of sales you get.

How to get paid?

But you only receive the amount exactly 60 days after the end of the month in which the products were sold. Other than that, it is worth mentioning that there is no maximum amount that can be received in a month, but there is a minimum amount. Basically, you need to have at least $100 in commissions for the amount to be deposited, but it varies a lot depending on your currency. Nothing too difficult if you can make multiple nominations for your favorite products! Our tip is to use a digital bank to manage your finances without even leaving your home.

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